How to Make Jenga More Fun
Most people get bored playing Jenga two or three times within a month. This is typically the case with every individual who loves this game and I think problem is pretty much common. Well I have a solution that I think you all will love.
Here I am going to provide some tips on turning your classic Jenga game into a more interesting and daring game. These tips can also be applied to the life size jenga version.
Steps to follow
You have to little bit revamp your Jenga bricks to make them ready for new game. Here is what you have to do:
- On your Jenga blocks write some commands (fun commands daring to follow)
- You will need more than a couple of friends to make this game interesting
- Every person will pull a black from the tower without sabotaging it
- Follow the command written on the block
- If you get an empty block, write some fun command on it
- On some blocks write commands on both side, players pulling such a block will have freedom to choose the command
- Repeat the above steps till the whole tower falls
It is very interesting game to play. You can make it even more interesting by choose the most fun commands. Here are some examples of commands you can use:
- Say alphabets backwards
- Wear shirt backwards
- Sing a song
- Dance
- Call your friend and play a prank on him/her
You can also add variations to this to make it a workout game. Invite your workout partner to your place. The steps are same as mentioned above the only difference is in the commands you write on blocks.
Here are some commands to make use of:
- Do high-knees for 30 seconds
- Pushups (number can be variable)
- Do crunches
- Do a headstand
- Do dead lifts
Not only friends but couples and parents can use this game to make their kids workout easily. Make sure to rest in between while playing this game.
Another variation of the same game can be for the chores. You can train your kids to learn to participate in home chores by making them play Jenga with following commands. Here are the steps for playing it:
- Write some home chores on each block
- Invite your kids to play the game with you
- The steps are same, each person has to pull a block out
- Do the task as written on the block
- If the block has commands on both side follow the one you like
- As a change, if the tower falls then every player has to do some major chores. So you all have to try to avoid tower from falling.
Here are the commands you can make use of:
Do dusting or dust some furniture
- Clean dishes
- Recycle any item
- Keep things at right place
- Empty trashcan
For big chores you can have:
- cleaning the whole room
- entire kitchen cleaning
- vacuum the living room
- make clothes
- mow yard for 20 minutes
This will bring your kids into practice of participating. They will not just stick to their phones all the time but will actually participate.
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Tags: fun, jenga
Categorised in: Blog
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