What is Big Birdie Golf? Well, check it out!
Backyard Golf
Big Birdie Golf, also known as Backyard Golf is a game that many people have not heard of. The basics of the game is like most other party games that are played outdoors like Cornhole, Beer Frisbee and Golf Toss. The difference is Big Birdie is closer to the real sport of golf. Using real golf clubs, you hit a real golf ball that has a birdie attached to it. Think badminton on steroids! This game is fun for golfers and non golfers.
If you are looking for a new backyard game for your next party, this one just might be for you.
Updated Notes: The brand Big Birdie Golf is no more. There are other brands that are just the same.
How is Big Birdie Golf Made
This backyard golf game has two scoring zones. These are large heavy nets where you hit the birdie golf balls. The net frames are made of small poles connected by real golf balls to give sturdy support. Each player has three real golf balls with birdies attached to them. Two sets of different colors. The birdie slows the golf ball down so it is not hit over 20 yards or so. Each player uses a real golf wedge of their choice. Some use a pitching or sand wedge and other use a 8 or 9 iron.
There are accessories that can be purchased like chipping greens. We purchased a putting green from yard sale for about $2 and cut it up to make our own. You can also purchase or make score boards, etc.
How to Play Backyard Golf
Rules of Big Birdie Golf
This outdoor game plays kind of like cornhole.
Place the net scoring zones between 25 and 30 feet apart, front to front.
Teams consist of two or four players. One team member stands at each net if four play. Players walk back and fourth if two players.
Points do cancel out each other if apposing teams have a ball land in the same area.
Outer box = 1 point
Middle box = 2 points
Center box = 3 points
Play to 21
Thinking about buying Big Birdie Golf as a gift?
Though buying Big Birdie Golf as a gift for anyone who plays golf is an obvious choice, many others will enjoy it. I’m sure anyone that has a lot of outdoor parties during the summer would like to add this game to their arsenal of activities for guests. People who like games like cornhole, ladder ball or horseshoes would probably love this game.
Backyard Golf is also a good golf aid, helping golfers with their short game. I chip around to work on my short game.
Kids Can Play Too
Makes a great outdoor kids game.
At our house, we have to fight the kids over this game every time it is set up for the adults to play. Breaking down and buying two, the children have their own set.
Taking away the golf clubs of course, we found that the kids have a blast playing this as a toss game. Throwing the birdie balls into the net, using the same scoring method keeps them away from our game.
Over all
Just about anyone that plays backyard games will enjoy this one. I know we do.
Let us know what your thoughts on this game are in the comments below. Do you play it, thinking about getting it or have a question? The comments are the place for that. BE HEARD!
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Tags: backyard golf, big birdie golf
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